Sunday, July 3, 2011

Into the trenches!

   I love my journal.  It's an actual bound notebook full of lined pages that I started when my husband and I found out we were pregnant with our first daughter, Lilly.  It was February 2006.  I kept that journal religiously throughout the entire pregnancy, and into her first years.  Slowly, the entries became fewer and further between.  I started having to jot down dates and notes on scrap paper, and eventually transfer them to the journal.  I continued to journal through the birth of our second daughter, the purchase of our second home, and lots of highs and lows in between.  I love to write down funny little things the girls say or do, describe things that we did or places we went.  Its a nice compilation of feelings and thoughts, notes to my daughters.  Anyone have a grandparent that has a family bible that has births and deaths written on the inside cover?  (Maybe its a country thing?)  My journal has been this for me, a place to see who's babies have entered the world, and losses our family has suffered.  You can read about the daily frustrations and joys of my motherhood experience. 
   So why should I put this journaling skill into a blog, you might ask?  I can't really explain it.  I am little addicted to the internet.  Sometimes, it gives me a feeling of being connected to other moms, other people like me, even if they are perfect stranger's.  Will I give up my pen and paper journal?  No way.  Its so important to me, I really should keep it in a fireproof safe.  I consider my journal a gift to my girls, something for them to some day read and enjoy.  This blog, it's a gift to myself.  Will anyone else read it?  I don't care.  Will they like it?  I don't care about that either.  But I have something to share with myself and maybe the world, and this seems like a nice place start.
  So, welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures in the mommyhood trenches as much as I enjoy experiencing (and living) them!

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