Thursday, May 24, 2012

My first book review!~read and win a copy!

   A few months ago, MOPS posted on their Facebook page an opportunity to join in their Mom Blogger Book Tour.  If you had an active blog, and were willing to read, review and post on your blog, they would mail you two free copies of Tracey Bianchi's Mom Connection: Creating Vibrant Relationships in the Midst of Motherhood.  Two copies, one to read and one to give away!!  So guess what?!  I joined, read and now I am reviewing the book.  It felt a bit like a high school assignment to write a book review, but I really enjoyed reading Bianchi's book!   Read on for a chance to win a copy of your own!!

Check out how ear-marked and note-filled my copy is!!

  The author brilliantly divided up her chapters into sub chapters and those, into what I am calling mini-chapters.  This made her book very easy to read, with short one-half to one page mini-chapters.  Easy for a busy momma like me to squeeze in some reading!  Bianichi is incredibly relatable and knowledgeable, without being condescending.  She made me feel drawn into her stories, ideas and solutions, and really made me feel like bringing some changes into my life was completely doable!!  In fact, one of my favorite mini-chapter headings was titled Never Alone But Lonely. This really spoke to my heart, I could have written that passage when Lilly (my oldest) was a newborn.  Becoming a MOPS mom has helped, but even five years and three kids later, its very easy to feel overwhelmingly crowded at home, but still very lonely.  Bianchi offers ideas on how to live intentionally, offering real world inspiration for all moms.  Even if you feel like you are already living a wonderfully connected life full of meaningful relationships, this book still has something to offer you.  The author reminds us that even while "we may have connected lives, not everyone has that same treasure.  Many of us moms are lonely, so reaching out from your place of abundance helps tremendously."  What great advice for all of us.  Just a small smile or kind word for the mom struggling with her child in the checkout line may make her day.  Making a meal for a mom with a new baby, or a phone call to the new mom down the block.  Offering help to the obviously overwhelmed momma at the doctors office or shopping mall.  All these ideas can be a starting block for investing in new and deeper relationships among other moms.  The ideas and narratives of Bianchi's book really were inspiring, fun to read and have been easy to incorporate into my own life and family.  I encourage you to pick up a copy and read it yourself!  Better yet, follow me over to The Playdate Crashers for a chance to win a free copy!  My friends Krista and Jamie are more expert than I at the give-away process, so they've offered to post my review on their blog as well as the run the randomized give-away!!  If you are interested on more info about the author, Tracey Bianchi, feel free to check out her website and blog at!!


Monday, May 14, 2012

Time Warp of Life

I started the following post May 6th, 2012:
    I'm a little sad that it's taken me so long to write another blog post.  I want so bad to be "good" at keeping up with this blog!  On a daily basis, something happens in my life or in my head that makes me think up a good idea for a blog post.  Of course, life has just gotten in the way of taking those ideas and thoughts and putting them to paper (or rather a computer screen).  Days are filled with lots of activities, lots of them done one handed, and its pretty difficult to type while cradling a little one!  At the end of the day, all I want to do is fall into bed and I have no interest in checking my email or browsing through my Facebook or writing a blog post!!  For some reason tonight I felt like catching up on things and I didn't realize how far behind I was!! 

Avery at 8 weeks old!

Ryley with her hero, Buzz Lightyear!!

Lilly playing Spring Soccer for the Raptors!

  Now, its the 14th of May and time just keeps slipping away from me!  I didn't even finish my "I haven't posted in forever" post!  I really hate how long blogspot takes to upload photos, or I would post considerably more pictures!  Since the last time I posted, Carl and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary.  Avery has turned two months old, and now is coming up on the 12 week old mark!  She is sleeping through the night most nights and is just a sweetheart, smiling and cooing at us all the time!  I was even blessed with hearing her first little giggle recently!  My nephew Paxton celebrated his first birthday in April and my oldest nephew Payton lost his first tooth!  We've taken Ryley and Lilly to see Toy Story on Ice, which was cute!  Ryley loved seeing all her favorite characters up close and personal!  I registered Lilly for kindergarden and she cannot wait to start school!  Just three more months at home with all three of my girls!  Also, Lilly has played spring soccer, and though it added another "to do" item on our growing list, she really seems to enjoy it.  Its pretty entertaining to watch five year olds chase a ball around!  
  Life just bustles on an an alarming pace!  Keeping up with my blog and journal posts has fallen way low on my totem pole of importance, but I really am going to try to keep up with this!  Its been a fun way to compile little milestones in the course of our life!  I keep a little scrap piece of paper near my bed where I can write little things down at the end of the day, and later transfer them to paper (and in this case, computer!).  Hopefully it won't be so long again before I find the time and energy to post again!